Practical Tips to Manage Chemotherapy Side Effects Without Batting an Eyelid Practical Tips to Manage Chemotherapy Side Effects Without Batting an Eyelid

Practical Tips to Manage Chemotherapy Side Effects Without Batting an Eyelid

Chemotherapy is the most common treatment to battle cancer. Around 25% of cancer patients receive chemotherapy during any given year. Having said that, chemotherapy is a smorgasbord of side effects ranging from hair loss to medical complications. 

These side effects of chemotherapy can severely hinder the quality of life during the treatment.  Here are some effective and practical tips and strategies for dealing with chemotherapy side effects.

Port Catheter and its Dangers

A port catheter is a modern medical innovation that makes it convenient to administer medicines. It is beneficial for regular intravenous therapy or medicine injections. A port catheter usually comprises an injection port and a polyurethane catheter. 

The device makes it easier to administer chemotherapy without having to puncture the vein again and again. As you can tell, port catheter devices like the Bard PowerPort make it easier to administer chemotherapy. The data backs the efficacy of the method, as a study revealed that around 72% of cancer patients received chemotherapy with a port catheter. 

However, these ports are not without risks. Several complications, including catheter-related thrombosis (CRT), have been associated with port catheter usage, notes TorHoerman Law. CRT refers to blood clots forming around the port area, leading to surgery or anticoagulant therapy. According to the CDC, around one in five cases of blood clots in veins are caused by cancer treatment. 

Therefore, it is no surprise that cancer patients are filing port catheter lawsuit claims against the manufacturers, specifically against ​​Bard Access Systems Inc. The lawsuit claims that certain Bard PowerPort causes severe injuries and complications like catheter fractures, catheter migration, thrombosis, necrosis, and more.

Navigating the dangers of a port catheter requires cancer patients to proactively look for symptoms like difficulty in flushing the port, redness, or swelling. Moreover, practicing proper port care is crucial to minimize risks.

Addressing Common Side Effects

Chemotherapy is often associated with issues like appetite loss and fatigue. These side effects will present themselves depending on the severity of the disease, treatment type, and medicine dosage. Knowing that chemotherapy is not without side effects requires patients to have solid preventive plans. 

According to a study, a whopping 97.4% of cancer patients experienced at least one side effect of chemotherapy. The same report states that fatigue and appetite loss are the most common side effects. Few simple lifestyle changes can help manage these side effects greatly. The first step towards managing these side effects is to focus on nutrition and hydration.

Patients must also carefully consider maintaining physical fitness during the treatment. Studies have shown that exercise is an effective supportive therapy. Less frequent but regular workout sessions during the treatment increase the chance of chemo tolerance and completion. Consider workouts like yoga, tai chi, etc., and only do as much as your body can take. 

Managing More Specific Side Effects

More specific side effects of chemotherapy include hair loss, mouth sores, and nausea or vomiting. Your oncologist will prescribe anti-nausea medications when starting chemotherapy to prevent nausea and vomiting. Supplement the medication with small meals of bland and easy-to-digest food.

Data suggests that the loss of appetite or desire to eat impacts 15% to 25% of cancer patients. Another study revealed that 26% of chemotherapy patients developed anorexia. Even though the treatment reduces appetite, keeping your body nourished with small but frequent meals throughout the day is advisable. Drinking a lot of fluid will help your body process chemotherapy medicines and prevent dehydration. 

Preventive measures are quite straightforward for more specific side effects like hair loss and mouth sores. One of the most debilitating side effects is hair loss, which can be quite emotionally challenging. Apart from developing a sense of self-love during this period, using aids like wigs can be extremely helpful in embracing the change. Moreover, a good oral hygiene routine will keep mouth sores away.

Ask for Emotional Support

During the chemotherapy period, it’s natural for patients to be at their lowest when it comes to their emotional state. It’s pretty standard to experience anxiety, fear, stress, and other concerning mental issues during the treatment.

To handle the emotional stress and mental duress that come with cancer treatment is to avoid internalizing it and deal with it alone. There’s no shame in seeking support from family members, best friends, or support groups. Your cancer treatment journey will be a lot more manageable with the sense of comfort that comes from talking with those who are on the same journey as you.

The best way to handle chemotherapy and embark on a comfortable journey towards recovery is to manage side effects proactively. It’s advisable to cultivate resilience and develop a positive attitude. With the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome any hurdle that chemotherapy may present. 

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